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Teen Tech Week: LML Website

8 Mar

Have you ever used the library’s online resources for teens through, and then going to the teen page? If so, what is your favorite resource? If not, what website do you find you use most often for school projects?

Answer this question to be entered to win a prize for Teen Tech Week!

PS: You can still answer the question from yesterday if you have not done so already 🙂

Teen Tech Week fun begins–leave us a comment!

8 Mar

Answer the simple question below and you’ll be entered to win a prize!

A recent survey states that on average, 8-18 year olds spend 6 hours and 21 minutes per day using media (including TV, video/DVD/movies, video games, audio media, computers and print media.)

Do you think this is accurate for you, or do you spend more or less time per day using media? What is your estimate?

The Bean Trees, Review

8 Mar

The Bean Trees by Barbara Kingsolver

Plot: Marietta longs to get away from her lonely town in Kentucky, so she leaves in her old car. Along the way she is given a baby. The child just stares into space. Upon further inspection, Marietta (who has changed her name to Taylor)  finds that the child now called Turtle was sexually abused in the past. Turtle (named for her strong grip), now 3, is assaulted once again while Taylor is out, so the police are called in. Now the state knows that Taylor is not the legal guardian and will take Turtle away unless she receives papers to prove it. This is a touching and wonderful story.

6 stars
